My brain is doing a slow simmer, sort of wheezing and groaning like water just off the boil, and I'm going just a little cross-eyed. What have I been doing you ask? Trying to write down my simple sock pattern, that's what! I've been at it all day, neglecting the housework that I normally get done on the weekends, and I've only just started... I guess it must get easier and quicker with practice (please tell me it gets easier with practice) but I swear knitting pattern designers must be the most underpaid people on the planet. If I hadn't liked designing and knitting this pattern so much I think I might have quit already. Here is the finished item:

Pretty, isn't it? These are the Man-size version, I am writing an average woman's foot size as well so I'll be looking for test knitters once I get the pattern down in readable format. This could take some time! They are so nice that I might have to knit a pair for myself too.
I just love how the twisted stitches create texture and how the ribs at the top flow into the pattern with only some minor wrestling to make them see the light and choose the right path.
Oh yes, and the cabled sock...I had a request for a clearer photo let me see if I can oblige...

It's not an updated photo but just for you "I Hate Toast" you bossy yankee you! Actually, I brought this on Wednesday night to get an opinion from Joey, the frog queen, and contrary to what I thought she might say she concluded that while perhaps not the optimal pairing of yarn and pattern, it was a nice subtle combo and should not hit the frog pond. I have the go ahead for the second sock so these will be coming out of hibernation just as soon as I get the blasted sock pattern written. I'm doing this for fun, right?