Sunday, January 6, 2008

Well, I guess I've done it now. I have never quite understood the compulsion which drives the blogging phenomena, but here I am nevertheless, creating my own. I have no idea if this will continue or perish a natural death due to apathy and disuse but I've resolved to give it a go. Mostly this stems from my New Year's resolution to start looking into publishing some knitting design patterns as a creative outlet to counter my sometimes lacklustre job of office management. So, with this in mind, the overall aims of this blog are to chronicle my knitting and spinning projects and share the process of working on designs to publish (be it for free on this blog or otherwise). I hope it's of some remote interest to someone somewhere...............


Janette said...

Woolflower - I saw your wedding dress on Ravelry ... "fabulous" was the only word I could think of to describe it.

I sent the link to friends and they too were absolutely amazed.

Do hope you find time to keep your blog going.

IHateToast said...

sucked in!

i also see it as a way to keep track of those crazies from Clickerati between wednesdays.
